Alexei Borisov & Oleg Kornev

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Друзья! Мы представляем новый блог об электронной, экспериментальной, нестандартной музыке России и всего мира. Алексей Борисов/Олег Корнев. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dear friends! This is our new blog of electronic, experimental and unusual music from Russia and other countries. Alexei Borisov/Oleg Kornev. . . . . . . . . . . . READ MORE ABOUT US

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LONKTAAR new releases – december 2012

December 1st, 2012 by olkor received Comments Off on LONKTAAR new releases – december 2012




manifest des 22   CDR

Collaboration recorded live in Ivry-sur-Seine / April 2012.
The duo Borisov / Nosova, also known as Astma, collides
with the concrete music of parisienne Anton Mobin, achieving a new status !
Music for sorcerers with Parkinson’s disease, suffocating slowness…
Edition of 37 copies – cd inserts packaged using pseudo-psych paper of old sewing magazines!

more infos:


December 1st, 2012 by olkor received Comments Off on Duotone

video : Alexander Isaenko

Yanina Boldyreva

music : Alexey Borisov

I : Denis Alemaev
II : Evgenia Pechen

IN SILICO p 2012
Ukraine / Russia

AniMaL BiscUit

November 29th, 2012 by olkor received Comments Off on AniMaL BiscUit

•Chantal Morte:
Chantal Morte est un groupe composé de jeunes éphebes blanchis et dégarnis évadés du groupe Pusse s’employant à racler jusqu’à l’os le
blues de papa. Enfant mort-né, doux cauchemard sorti d’un film de Lynch dont ils créent la bande son à coup de taules, lames de rasoirs, banjo électrique, contrebasse et voix caverneuse, ça psalmodie ça croone ça ricane ça gueule et ça cajole. Chantal étant morte, elle n’a rien à perdre alors elle fait la musique qui lui plaît.
•La Vierge De Nuremberg:
Jac Berrocal – Quentin Rollet – Jean – Noël Cognard – Ben Ajarab – Claude Parle.
Free Jazz habité – Free Rock – joué par des figures mythiques de cette musique libre.
Vinyle sorti chez Bloc Thyristors disponible dans les lieux qui se préoccupent de musique.
•Narco Terror:
Fusion des deux membres fondateurs de Narrow Terence, Narco Terror fut un gentil mais a choisi le mal par pure ambition personnelle. Il désire conquérir la Terre, voire l’Univers, pour assouvir son appétit de puissance. Fou ou ambitieux, il emploie ses compositions à des fins criminelles. Il est brut, incisif, bipolaire, sème la terreur et souhaite offrir la nationalité mexicaine à Lara Croft pour enfin transformer la Californie en paradis fiscal.
•Apporte Moi De L’Amour – Pusselle:
Une nouvelle de Charles Bukowski mis en musique par Chantal Morte et Pascaline des Elles – Hopital psy – hôtel miteux – amour déglingue.
Cabaret décadent délicat érotique et mélancolique Japonnais –  prés de l’ opéra de quatre sous – livre d’images.
•Miss Lalla Morte:
Déesse d’outre tombe dansante venue de l’au-delà pour nous rappeler combien l’existence est passagère.
•The Umbilical Chords:
THE UMBILICAL CHORDS, c’est la corde avec laquelle l’embryon préfère se pendre pour aller visiter les terres intra-utérines plutôt que de venir s’ennuyer sur terre avec nous. THE UMBILICAL CHORDS , ce sont aussi les accords à partir desquels l’alchimiste peut vérifier le passage des étoiles dans le creuset. THE UMBILICAL CHORDS, ce sont encore les cercles concentriques de basse et de guitares/univers du HIBOU qui s’entrechoquent autour de la voix chamanique de SCOTT BATTY et l’entournent comme un lasso.
THE UMBILICAL CHORDS, c’est enfin le son que font les nuages quand ils se réunissent, la naissance de l’orage, le retour à la vie. THE UMBILICAL CHORDS, c’est la musique du passé, du présent et de l’avenir: parce que nous ne sommes pas encore nés, et que, vu la gueule de votre monde, vous comprendrez qu’on soit encore en stand-by.
•Bonne Humeur Provisoire:
Bonne Humeur Provisoire décèdera dans un crash-test entre Agen et Agen.
Encadrants dynamiques du service social de l’hospice de Beaune.
Encartés Dalida Suicides Fanclub, adeptes de l’hypnose par l’épilepsie, vaisselle cascade, industrie du jouet, industrie de la flute à bec, gréle sur ta voiture. Piluliers, grenouilléres et sangliers.
Schlaasss est un bébé hurlant né à Saint-Etienne un soir de tempête. Bébé Schlaasss oscille entre rires démoniaques jubilatoires, haine d’enfant maltraité, désespoir de princesse automutilée,
bonbon acidulé trempé dans du bourbon, amour bagarre. Son hochet est une amulette à paillettes et ses berceuses sont hip hop, trip hop, électropop… Elles ont un fond punk et décadent et ne se laisseront
pas faire par les clichés et les étuis à couteaux. Schlaasss se nourrit de tout et comme sa croissance le travaille il bouffe comme 4.

Alexei Borisov, Olga Nosova, Eren Ileri, Aras L. S...

September 2nd, 2012 by olkor received Comments Off on Alexei Borisov, Olga Nosova, Eren Ileri, Aras L. Seyhan “Art Der Anwendung”

Hello, dear friends!

If you’re reading this, you probably know something about TOP-40.ORG net-label from Russia and/or interested in good music. TOP-40.ORG is dedicated to free distribution of really interesting and truly new music of various genres, from all over the world. More information is available at our website:

We’re very proud to present you our latest release. It’s a collaboration of Alexei Borisov and Olga Nosova, also known as ASTMA, with Aras Seyhan and Eren Ileri, musicians and artists who currently reside in Austria.

(TOP.79) Alexei Borisov, Olga Nosova, Eren Ileri, Aras L. Seyhan “Art Der Anwendung”

The result of their joint musical effort is here – soothing, enchanting sound collection, combining blossoming and tangled melodies, shattering noises and snatches of unspoken, inconceivable stories and words to eject you out of familiar and preserved sonic environment and urging you to explore what’s out there, beyond the realm of convenient sounds and melodies. A diverse and versatile sonic assembly, Art Der Anwendung guides you through very different settings and moods, from wild and brutal noisy electronics to abstract ambient, blissful wall-of-sound extravaganza and rhythmically repressed proto-techno. For those who seek diversity and true liberation in music!

If you don’t want to be in touch with us, or you want to receive this newsletter to a different address, or you have any feedback, opinion and proposal – feel free to contact us:

Yours sincerely,
Lev Kantor
TOP-40.ORG team

We can’t stop the music

ASTMA Scandic Tour 2012 – Kopenhagen

September 2nd, 2012 by olkor received Comments Off on ASTMA Scandic Tour 2012 – Kopenhagen

The Wire: review

September 2nd, 2012 by olkor received Comments Off on The Wire: review

Borinosohpil CD - The Wire


September 1st, 2012 by olkor received Comments Off on RUSSIAN EXPERIMENTAL MUSIC – ALEXEI BORISOV “Non-Classified Objects”



Kolosov, Bobrovsky, Fariello, Birardi | Astma at M...

September 1st, 2012 by olkor received Comments Off on Kolosov, Bobrovsky, Fariello, Birardi | Astma at Multiversal

Andrea Pensado (Аргентина), Алексе...

August 29th, 2012 by olkor received Comments Off on Andrea Pensado (Аргентина), Алексей Борисов

Experimental Sound Gallery

Галерея Экспериментального Звука


ArtPlay 30-08-2012

August 28th, 2012 by olkor received Comments Off on ArtPlay 30-08-2012

ArtPlay 30-08-2012

ASTMA live In Berlin

July 20th, 2012 by olkor received Comments Off on ASTMA live In Berlin

ASTMA (Alexei Borisov/Olga Nosova) tour dates, Jul...

July 10th, 2012 by olkor received Comments Off on ASTMA (Alexei Borisov/Olga Nosova) tour dates, July-August 2012

16 July 2012, 8 PM @ The Great Heisenberg

Els Vandeweyer vibraphone
Hughes Vincent cello
Louis Rastig piano
Olga Nosova drums

The Great Heisenberg
Schillerpromenade 11 / U8-Leinestraße
12049 Berlin-Neukölln

20 July 20102

Olga Nosova, Luois Rastig, Thomas Lehn, Els Vanderweyer
at A L’ARME festival (Berlin, Germany)

22 July 2012 – Olga Nosova, Alexei Borisov, Julian Bonequi at

”Multiversal Studio / Brain Pussyfication HQ”
Also feat. Kolosov/Bobrovski/Fariello/Birardi, SZSCH.
doors open at 21:00
entrance fee between 3 – 8 euro,
address: Warschauerstr. 58a/59a, 2nd backyard

24 July 2012/21:00

astma + sexy picnic
galerie KUB
kantstr. 18
04275 leipzig

25 July 2012/21:00

Astma + Els Vanderweyer
Olivier Di Placido + Mario De Vega

Naherholung Sternchen
Berolinastraße 7
10178 Berlin/Mitte

entrance: 7-15 euro

more info:

27-29 July, 2012

ASTMA live at Fano Free Folk Festival#3

1 August 2012/19.00

Alexei Borisov and Olga Nosova perform in Copenhagen (The Center of Russian Culture).

9 August 2012/21.00

ASTMA/Harald Fetveit live at Brugata, 3
Oslo, Norway

14 August 2012/20.00
ASTMA live at Pub Magneetti (Mäkelänkatu 20 B, Helsinki, Finland)

more info:

noise and fury 2012

June 20th, 2012 by olkor received Comments Off on noise and fury 2012

Участники Шума и Ярости 2012

June 13th, 2012 by olkor received Comments Off on Участники Шума и Ярости 2012

Дуэт Ильи Галкина (Мск, трости, электроника) и
Кости Губенко (СПб, барабаны, перкуссия, объекты)

Проект Membranoids организован Данилом Акимовым и Максимом Сергеевым в 1997 году. Основным направлением деятельности <<Мембраноидов>> является исследование примитивных пределов псевдо-научного подхода применительно к созданию произведений искусства. В своих аудио-перформансах коллектив создает специальную среду посредством синтеза гипотез науки и искусства. Представьте себе, что музыка — это лабораторный эксперимент или медицинская операция.
Активная фаза развития проекта (фестивали, издание релизов) продлилась до 2003 года. После оба основателя выбрали независимые музыкальные и научные карьеры. Данил Акимов под своим именем и как ВЫКЛ. или dr. SwitchOff выступает с экспериментальными концертами, перформансами и инсталляциями,а так же курирует sound art программу БФ ГЦСИ. Максим Сергеев, автор музыки в проектах «Бигуди» и «Е. Гришковец и «Бигуди», в своих работах стремится к объединению полифонии и мелодизма с возможностями современной электроники. В настоящее время работает над проектом с выпускницей Московской консерватории Аленой Долбик (сопрано).
В 2010 Мембранойды воссоединились, чтобы обозначить новый этап в исследовательском безумии.

Dario Fariello/Giuseppe Birardi is a trumpet/altosax duo that moves between the boundaries of istant composition, free jazz, sludge.
Their melodies are displaced narrations; exclamation could be silence
– But we’re truly onest when we’re playing, purely ambiguous! –
The duo met in Berlin twelve months ago: in this year they made several concerts, and one record. The duo also opened up various times to join other individuals. This is the Plethora that gave birth to the Multiversal concert series and record label.

They come from different parts of southern Italy: Naples and Bari.

Participants of Noise and Fury 2012

June 13th, 2012 by olkor received Comments Off on Participants of Noise and Fury 2012

A Spirale was founded in 2002 by Maurizio Argenziano and Massimo Spezzaferro, guitar and drums, former Missselfdestrrruction members (“Asimmetrica” – Snowdonia, 2001), Mario Gabola, avantjazz saxophonist, and Anita Furlani, violist with academic background. In 2004 the album “Come una lastra” came out; it was recorded in Perosa Canavese (TO), in the studios of the avant-rock band Anatrofobia, and produced by Lizard, Italian label based in Treviso. Since January 2004 the band performs live as a three-piece (drums / guitar / sax),

Maurizio Argenziano often collaborates with the experimental actor/performer/nonmusician Tonino Taiuti , also as trio with Vincenzo De Luce (Zero Centigrade).

A Spirale take part, during the 2007, to national network TEMPIA composed by musician, video and body performer, result of this experince is the collaboration with contrabassist Roberto Bellatalla involved from the last ’70 in the Duch and English radical improvising scene.

With other (no)/musician from Campania founded “Collettivo Ø” give to the practice of ensamble and impro music.
Then M.Argenziano, M.Gabola meets SEC_ (synth and electronics) founder of the band Weltraum, producing the same titled album ASp/SEC_; as duo, Mario and SEC_, founded another project called Aspec(t), also both involved, with a large collective of people, in the organisation of the indipendent festival Altera!, about critical think and the connection between “the new musical practice” and the political movements.

In the end of 2008 ASp/SEC_ meet One Starving Day drummer F.Gregoretti, founding the avant-noise supergroup Strongly Imploded.

Mario Gabola in the 2010 start to collaborate with composer/scientist Agostino Di Scipio, founding a duo called Up-Set.

– A Spirale collaborations include: Alexei Borisov[Ru], Olga Nosova[Ru], R. Chatham[USA] , E.Chadbourne[USA], M.Cooper[UK], The Hub[USA], ClaytonThomas[AUS], Hyph[DE], Ignaz Schick[DE], Michael Renkel[DE], J.Vandesande[NL], J.Kocher[CHF], J.Wright[USA], K.Yamauchi[Jap], S.Lemporte[Fr], D. Sciajno, V.Tricoli, S.Borrelli (ETRE), Andrea X Ferraris, Jealousy Party, Mat Pogo, Andrea Belfi, Psychofagist, Aldo Becca, Cris X, A.Mainenti, R.Pugliese, A.Ferraris, Anatrofobia, Lo dev alm , Tanake, N. De Martino, Roberto Bellatalla, Fabrizio Spera, Splinter Vs Stalin, Fune, St.Ride, Taxonomy, R.Fega, P.Innarella, Lendormin, T.Loconte, S.Dietrich, R.Ciunfrini, C. De Fabritis.